OnlyFans Official Revenue, Net Profit, Creator and Subscriber data - Updated September 2024

OnlyFans is one of the most popular websites in the world and a source of income for a large number of online content creators.

Since they published their most recent user and financial data, we thought it’d be worth highlighting some of the most impressive and interesting figures from OnlyFan's annual report.

OnlyFans Parent Company Publishes Their Annual Report

So, where is this data from? It comes from Fenix International Limited, which owns and operates OnlyFans. Their offices are on Kean Street in London in the United Kindom.

OnlyFans Logo

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To satisfy UK regulations, Fenix International Limited filed its "Group of companies' accounts" (annual report), including financials, on September 5, 2024.

That report includes revenue figures, creator and user growth, and other data. All data below comes directly from the company and is for the year ended November 30, 2023. If you would like to read or download the full report, click below.

Interesting Highlights of OnlyFans Financial and User Data

Here are some key figures from the annual report that UpMarket’s team found most interesting:

OnlyFans Gross Site volume was an astonishing $6.62 billion dollars in for the year ended November 30, 2023
OnlyFans grew 2023 revenue by 19.90% from the year prior
OnlyFans total 2023 pre-tax profit was $658 million, up from $525 million the year prior (25.33% YoY growth)
Creators are increasing at a greater rate than fans: The number of creators increased by 29.42% YoY while the number of fans increased by 27.73% YoY
Some of the key risk factors OnlyFans flags in their annual report are: “there is an increased focus from traditional social media platforms on attracting Creators to their platforms,” the "Adoption of subscription model by other platforms" and “Maintaining and promoting our brand outside of traditional verticals
OnlyFans paid $472 million in ordinary dividends to its shareholders in 2023 up from $338 million in 2022. Dividend data for Q1 2024 shows OnlyFans paid well over $1m a day in dividends to its shareholders.

How OnlyFans Works

OnlyFans is a marketplace that facilitates interactions between “Creators” (sellers) and “Fans” (purchasers). Fans pay subscription fees and one-off fees to engage with and support content creators.

How much does OnlyFans charge Creators?

OnlyFans distributes 80% of the earned revenue to its creators, retaining a 20% fee from each subscription for the platform itself.

How do Creators Generate Revenue from Fans?

OnlyFans has established a monthly subscription price range of $4.99 to $49.99. In addition, creators have the option to set a minimum charge of $5 for tips or premium private messages. This feature can notably enhance revenue for creators who have a sizable and dedicated following.

Official OnlyFans User Data as of September 2024

According to the annual report filed by Fenix International Limited (the parent of OnlyFans) on September 5, 2024. , platform user figures were as follows:

OnlyFansTotal CreatorsTotal Fans
2023 YoY Growth29.42%27.73%

How many OnlyFans creators are there?

As of November 30, 2023, which is the most recent official OnlyFans data, there are a total of 4,118,000 Creators. You read that right: over 4 million!

Chart comparing total creators on OnlyFans in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

This represents 29% YoY growth from the 3,182,000 creators in 2021.

How many OnlyFans creators were added in 2023?

According to the most recent filing by OnlyFans, they added 936,000 new creator accounts in 2023 alone.

How many OnlyFans fan accounts (users) are there?

As of November 30, 2023, which is the most recent official OnlyFans data, there are a total of 305,066,0000 fan accounts on the OnlyFans platform.

Chart comparing total Fans on OnlyFans in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

This represents 27.73% YoY growth from the 238,845,000 fans reported in 2022.

How many How many OnlyFans fans (new users) were added in 2023?

OnlyFans added 66,221,000 new fans in 2023.

What is the fans-to-creator ratio on OnlyFans?

74:1. As of their most recent filing, there are about 74 fan accounts for every creator account. This is down from 75:1 from the prior reporting period

Total FansTotal CreatorsFans/Creators

Official OnlyFans Financial Data as of September 2024

OnlyFans reports a few key financial metrics, including:

  • “Gross Site Volume” which is the total transaction volume on the platform.
  • Revenue which represents OnlyFan's ~20% share of Gross Site Volume after Creators take their 80% share
  • OnlyFans Pre-tax profit, which represents revenue less costs excluding tax.

For 2023 those figures were as follows:

  • Gross Site Volume (total sales): $6,629,945,000 (19.46% YoY growth)
  • OnlyFans Revenue Share = $1,306,696,000
  • OnlyFans Creator Take: $5,323,249,000
  • OnlyFans pre-tax Profit: $485,476,000
Numbers in MillionsGross Site VolumeRevenueCreator TakeProfit Before Tax
2023 YoY Growth19.46%19.90%19.35%25.33%

What was OnlyFan's total sales volume in 2023?

As of November 30, 2023, which is the most recent official OnlyFans data, “Gross Site Volume” which is the total transaction volume on the platform was $6,629,945

Chart comparing OnlyFans' Gross Site Volume in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

That $6.63 billion figure represents 19.46% YoY growth from 2022 numbers of $5.55 billion.

How much revenue does OnlyFans Generate?

OnlyFans takes 20% of creator sales, accordingly, 2023 OnlyFan's revenue was $1.31 Billion in 2023.

Chart comparing OnlyFans' Revenue in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

That $1.31 billion figure represents 19.90% YoY growth from 2022.

How much did OnlyFans creators make in 2023?

OnlyFans creators earned the remaining ~80% of Gross Site Volume, resulting in total OnlyFans Creator earnings of $5,353 billion in 2023.

Chart comparing OnlyFans Creator Earnings in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

That $5,353 billion figure represents 19.35% YoY growth from 2022.

How much profit did OnlyFans make in 2023?

As of November 30, 2023, which is the most recent official OnlyFans data, OnlyFans earned $658 million in pre-tax profit in 2023. That represents a 25.33% increase from $525 million the previous year.

Chart comparing OnlyFans' Pre-Tax Profit in 2023 vs 2022 vs 2021

What share of creator revenue did OnlyFans take in 2023?

The published revenue share for OnlyFans Creators is 80%, which goes to the creators, and OnlyFans takes 20%. Based on the financial data shared, creators actually received 80.29% in 2023 and 80.36% in 2022.

OnlyFans Location, Founding, and Ownership

Here, we provide more details about the firm's structure and history based on data from their annual report.

Where is OnlyFans based?

The United Kingdom.

Specifically, OnlyFan’s registered office address is:

9th Floor

107 Cheapside


United Kingdom


Who founded OnlyFans?

OnlyFans was founded by Tim Stokely. He sold 75% of OnlyFans to Leonid Radvinsky, a Ukrainian-American businessman and the owner of adult site MyFreeCams.

When was OnlyFans founded?


Who owns and operates OnlyFans now?

In their most recent filing, OnlyFans lists two active directors:

  • Mr. L. Radvinsky
  • Mr. L. Taylor

How much did OnlyFan’s Owners make in 2023?

Fenix International Limited, OnlyFan’s parent company, announced dividends of $472 million in 2023 up from $338 million in 2022. These dividends were distributed to the owners/directors, likely primarily to majority owner Leonid Radvinsky.

Their report also notes these dividends paid in 2024:

26 January 2024, $43 per Ordinary share totaling $43,000,000.

26 February 2024, $40 per Ordinary share totaling $40,000,000

29 March 2024, $47 per Ordinary share totaling $47,000,000.

This means that ordinary shareholders received over $1m in dividends daily in Q1 2024.

OnlyFans Web Traffic and Popularity

OnlyFans is one of the most popular websites in the world. It also happens to be essential to the “creator economy” as it is a source of income for a large number of online content creators. According to Similarweb, OnlyFans is the 102nd most popular website in the world with over 316 million monthly visitors. Over 42% of the site's visitors are from the United States.

SimilarWeb site metrics as of 9/11/2024

How do I Invest in OnlyFans?

Given the impressive traffic and revenue figures for OnlyFans, there have been many rumors about the company going public, making it one of the more popular pre-IPO companies around. But because OnlyFans is a privately held company, there’s no way to invest through a public stock exchange.

Realistically, OnlyFans is unlikely to sell shares into the private or public markets and is likely to remain a "closely held" cash cow of a private company.

Will OnlyFans IPO soon?

The decision on whether or not to IPO is with OnlyFans management and their Board of Directors. Because OnlyFans is so profitable and they likely have no need for outside financing, it is possible they may never offer shares on the private or public markets. Nonetheless, OnlyFans leadership could decide to IPO to raise capital to expand, to take profits, or for a myriad of other strategic reasons.

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